Biofield Tuning is a Sound Therapy Method that works directly with the body’s electrical system in its entirety, as it connects with our conscious and subconscious mind , including our memories.

Physical, mental and

emotional disorders can be

perceived in the electrical

field and in the electrical

system as “dissonance”

.Biofield Tuning is able to

locate, diminish and

resolve this dissonance to

alleviate and eradicate the

corresponding physical,

mental and emotional


As the biofield dissonance

subsides, clients generally

report feeling lighter, able

to breathe more freely, and a

diminishment or resolution of

their symptoms.

Often issues can be resolved

or greatly improved within

three sessions, but there is

no limit to how many

sessions one can receive.

Each session builds on the

one before it; there are

always deeper layers one

can address.

Biofield Tuning sessions can

also be conducted from a



Acu Detox Ear Accupuncture


Vibrational Sound Therapy